
Search is Still Dead: Demand side woes

Locking search results behind a paywall won’t matter if the web is broken. You can’t find things that do not exist, no matter how hard you look.

How to Build a Search Engine Technology

How to Build an Egalitarian, Decentralized Search Engine Part 2: Unanswered Questions

Objectivity and Neutrality is not the same. Also how to make believe?

How to Build a Search Engine Technology

How to Build an Egalitarian, Decentralized Search Engine Part 1: The Principles

Search is dead. So how do we revive it, without billions of dollars in funding and massive computing resources? We leverage the crowd.


Search is Dead

Almost anything you need can be found online, its just hard to find. Because Google has shifted from being a Librarian to an Oracle.

30 Days of Blog

Neeva is not going to save us from the Google Monster[30 Days of Blog 5]

Neeva is not going to save us from the Google Monster[30 Days of Blog 5] This post is part of my 30 blogs in 30 days series. More details here. Recently, a former Google executive launched a search-engine startup Neeva. Neeva will differentiate itself from competitors by charging a subscription fee. It has raised $37M and […]