Isolation Diaries

Dispatches from Isolation: Day 6—Happy Birthday to Me

We gon’ party like its your birthday in isolation

Isolation Diaries

Dispatches from Isolation: Day 5—Losing Sense of Smell

Smell has the direct connection to your limbic system. Losing the sense is a big deal.

Isolation Diaries

Dispatches from Isolation: Day 4—Standing Still & Speeding Through

Isolation changes time. It turns into a wall. It turns into a river. It turns into a cycle.

Isolation Diaries

Dispatches from Isolation: Day 3—Tiny Joys & Massive Heartbreaks

Being a parent is difficult, especially when you can’t see your child.

Isolation Diaries

Dispatches from Isolation: Day 2—Real Problems

No man gets a pass

Isolation Diaries

Dispatches from Isolation: Day 1—Tragedy, Comedy, & Thankfulness

It’s just like a staycation, until you realize you can never leave.

30 Days of Blog

COVID19 and The Crisis of Leadership[30 Days of Blog 6]

This post is part of my 30 blogs in 30 days series. More details here. It is a common occurrence to hear that everyone will get COVID. From Self-styled Iconoclasts shock jocks to Business Leaders to health officials to world leaders, have either stated it in so many words, or have downplayed further spread of […]