Hello Everyone Welcome to Weekly Wisdom, your weekly dose of highlights, quotes and notes from my notebook. If you would like to receive this in your inbox, subscribe now. Today I’d like to share: How to Build an Egalitarian, Decentralized Search Engine Part 2: The second part in my series on how to build a […]
Objectivity and Neutrality is not the same. Also how to make believe?
And the difference between a jugaar and an innovation.
And an allegory for Machine Learning
And also the beauty of mundanity.
If it is the text that matters, then why lie about the source?
The Truth is a Dour Mistress
Ignorance may not be bliss, but the truth can be taxing.
Search is dead. So how do we revive it, without billions of dollars in funding and massive computing resources? We leverage the crowd.
Search is Dead
Almost anything you need can be found online, its just hard to find. Because Google has shifted from being a Librarian to an Oracle.
The narratives Nation States propagate are the basis of culture. Pakistan’s culture is based upon vacuous, stupid, and intellectually dishonest narratives. And there is no hope.