Large Language Models are the tech du jour right now. However, they pose a danger to society beyond the obvious one.
The Means of AI Production

Large Language Models are the tech du jour right now. However, they pose a danger to society beyond the obvious one.
And vanity of a crypto-bro idol will not make it real
Locking search results behind a paywall won’t matter if the web is broken. You can’t find things that do not exist, no matter how hard you look.
The App Store is adding no value to developers and is treating them with hostility
Objectivity and Neutrality is not the same. Also how to make believe?
If it is the text that matters, then why lie about the source?
Search is dead. So how do we revive it, without billions of dollars in funding and massive computing resources? We leverage the crowd.
Almost anything you need can be found online, its just hard to find. Because Google has shifted from being a Librarian to an Oracle.