
The Post-Literate Society—Weekly Wisdom 30th November 2021

Marshall McLuhan was right! Also, the time the US defaulted, credibility in the social sciences, the fog of politics, and David Foster Wallace on humility.

30 Days of Blog

Voice-notes are terrible, horrible, no-good part 2: Some Practical Reasons[30 days of Blog 24]

This post is part of my 30 blogs in 30 days series. More details here. Yesterday, I illustrated why ‘hot’ voice-notes are not compatible with the ‘cold’ text messages, in light Marshall Macluhan’s media theories. You can read that here. Today I will show you some practical reasons you should not use voice-notes in text […]

30 Days of Blog

The Medium is the Wrong Message: Why voice-notes annoy me![30 Days of Blog 23]

This post is part of my 30 blogs in 30 days series. More details here. Audio is a ‘hot’ medium. Text-messages are a ‘cool’ medium. Voice Notes( or voice messages) have no place in text messaging conversation. This high-brow media theory is not why voice-notes annoy me, but it provides an explanation. Media and Messages Marshall […]