The search for an authentic experience makes inauthentic. Also bring back hipster as an insult.
Some Books to Read[38 Before 38]
My busy schedules only allow me these for the time being
Getting back in the flow
Short on Time[38 before 38]
I am still fighting against time. So I ramble on about my terrible workflow.
Some Videos to Watch[38 Before 38]
This blog is part of my 38 before 38 series. I write a blog for every single day for the 38 days leading up to my 38th Birthday. I had an other busy day. So I will be sharing some interesting videos and my notes on them. How Airlines Became Banks Eventually, All business become […]
A Rant
..if you are an engineer or an accountant.
None of these are two dudes talking in a studio.
“My name is Danny Lugo, and I believe in fitness.”
Why are the ultra-wealthy so bad at their jobs?