On the evening of 15th of December, I found out I am positive for SARS-CoV-2. It was like a punch in the stomach.
Tragedy and Comedy
There is a cliché that says, ‘Comedy is Tragedy plus time’. Like, when you fall down it hurts, but years later, you tell the story to your friend and you all laugh about it. I’d say this theorem has a corollary; “Dread is Happiness plus time.”
I isolated myself with my laptop in a room. Right after I informed my family. I started treating this as a staycation; reading, binge-watching, and doomscrolling to my heart’s content. “You have no symptoms”, I said, “Might as well make the best of it.” Then 2 hours in I thought, “I am famished, lets get some snacks.”
That’s when the dread set in. “You can’t leave. Not for at least 2 weeks.”
That’s how spent my night. In Dread.
The Morning
The morning started with body pain and the light sore throat. My nose was lightly stuffed as well. I wasn’t asymptomatic after all. I tried doing some work but the lethargy that comes with pain. More binging and googling what does ‘Sic Mundus Creatus Est’ means.
Afternoon & Evening
The wife was already fed up. Wanted me to get another test in case I got a false positive. I had a clear idea that she was being pressured by my parents. Like most parents for my demographic, my parents have a weird relationship with control. They can’t believe their raja baita is in a predicament that they can’t just slap away. Yes, I am saying that my parents want to slap the coronavirus away.
They have had their test by the time.

I am on Season 3 of Dark. The show is well made, but they have too many characters and too little plot to handle them. Plus I have been burned by Lost, so I have low expectations of twisting mystery time-travel shows. The show itself does have a lot of subtext about generational trauma, parental protectionism, and how everyone loses their children. Heavy stuff, especially during the pandemic.
It would be imprudent to write this without acknowledging my privilege. For isolation, not only did I have a room, but bathroom just for me. I have a spouse and family that takes care of my basic needs otherwise. I have highspeed internet, and gadgets to utilize it for work and entertainment. I have work that can be done from this room. If you think these things are not a big deal, then you too, my dear reader, is very privileged. According to World Bank, 43.6% of the world lives below $5.5 per day. I doubt they get a personal bathroom, a roomy isolation space to protect their family, and high speed internet. Mobile penetration means they may have access to some internet, but there is very little chance they can work on it.
Privilege is a term that has become quite loaded in recent times. So the term I should use is gratitude. I am lucky that to have a spouse that cares and has the ability to help me in this tough times. I am glad to have this room. Being thankful can be powerful and help you have more empathy. I am not a fan of the holiday, but the American ritual of stating what you are thankful for during Thanksgiving dinner is something I love.
A note on the schedule
The schedule is going to be delayed at least 1 day. You will find out why, tomorrow.
Next up: S#%@ just got real.