This blog is part of my 38 35 before 38 series. I write a blog for every single day for the 38 days leading up to my 38th Birthday.
I was once told that a truly wise reader is in between two to three books at any given time. Then I must be the sage lord of readers since I am reading five right now.
Actually six. I started another one just before writing this.
How not to be wrong
Author: Jordan Ellenberg

Mathematician Jordan Ellensberg writes about how to think about mathematically for “layman”. I use the scare quotes there because it requires some familiarity with statistics and calculus. At least in the parts that I have read.
Which is for the better. You can’t have a book about everyday mathematics for people who do not understand Algebra. That would end up being a text book on Algebra.
As an engineer, there is a lot of familiar ground here. However, it is revealing a lot of my blind spots.
Capital in the 21st Century
Authors: Thomas Piketty, et al.

My white whale. Languishing in my book shelf for the past 10 years, shaming me with it’s brightly colored spine. A surprisingly technical book for a mainstream bestseller. However, one of the most important works of the 21st century. It is a book that has indirectly influenced every discussion on policy, economy, and trade in the past decade.\
Authors: Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley

Wealth was an inferior object; but what glory would attend the discovery, if I could banish disease from the humnan frame, and render man invulnerable to any buta violent death!
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley has more insight into the mind of young men, then any man. This quest for glory is all we live for. I’d like to think that I am more evolved and mature at my middle age. But deep down, I am still chasing this high.
This is my second read, though the previous one was a abridged version is secondary school.
Before They Are Hanged
Author: Joe Abercrombie

This is the 2nd in the The First Law trilogy. I am only one chapter in so I will discuss first one.
I had avoided Abercrombie for decades because I was under the impression that he was some sort of edgelord. Like a fantasy version of Chuck Palahnuik. I was wrong. This is very standard modern fantasy fare. It is also fantastic. Perfect page turner.
Fantastic Four/FF
Authors: Jonathan Hickman, Steve Epting, et al.

“Mainstream” American comic books fill a niche that no other medium is interested in; mythology. As in, a continuing story with iteration that expands and adapts according to times.
However, in practice they are IP farms that are supposed to feed actually profitable businesses; merchandising and film/TV. Very few writers are interested in rocking the apple-cart. Everything is status quo always. Jonathan Hickman is one of the few exceptions. And unlike most others in this cohort, he is commercially successful. Which is why Marvel gives him their best artists to collaborate.
This story is over 15 years old now. Most of the cool ideas have been papered over. But it is still worth reading.
Feeling Good
Author: David Burns

Second time reading this “classic” of self-help mental health. This is the book I just (re)started.