You too can sound smart to your friends.
Author: Mudassir Chapra
Search is dead. You can’t find anything useful. Barely anything useful left to find. And LLMs are killing what’s left.
Being sick makes this project quite difficult.
None of the hawkers of “AI” are making money. But is anyone else?
All consumer tech seems to be designed by people without children.
38 Blogs Before 38
Rebuilding my writing muscle before I turn 38
Meta Dreams—Somethings
Also, the recency bias of the internet, the death of search, and the most dangerous BigTech firm in the world.
Choose One—Somethings
Also ‘family’ businesses, a holly horror story, conspiracy stories, realpolitik of justice, and why it is hard to follow advice.
Death to cOnTeNt—Somethings
Multiple rants on this stupid term.