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📕Something to read
- At this company, we are family: A hilarious take down of corporate speak that lures people in with promises of familial bonds, and then discards them when they aren’t useful anyway.
- How Hollywood works: This is a harrowing tale of a writer trying to develop a TV series through the American TV system.
📺Something to watch
Chose Life
Andrew Scott performs a Speech by Edith Sampson, the first black women judge. The Speech was given at North Central College in 1965. It lays out the choice all young adults face when they graduate.
The 5th choice is the correct one.
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🗣Some Quotes and Notes
Empty Pails
I have recently noticed that I rarely engage with people on things I have learned from experience. I find that people will disregard such knowledge.
Adam Mastrioni lays out the reasons why this phenomenon occurs.
We spend our lives learning hard things the hard way: what it feels like to fall in love, how to forgive, what to say when a four-year-old asks where babies come from, when to leave a party, how to scramble eggs, when to let a friendship go, what to do when the person sitting next to you on the bus bursts into tears, how to parallel park under pressure, and so on.
It’s like slowly filling up a bucket with precious drops of wisdom, except the bucket is your skull. The fuller your bucket gets, the more you want to pour it into other people’s buckets, to save them all the time, the heartache, and the burnt eggs that you had to endure to fill yours. This should be easy: you have the knowledge, so just give it to them!
— Adam Mastroianni, You can’t reach the brain through the ears
The stories we sell
The rise of conspiracy thinking has been the most puzzling aspect of global communication. People, given the capacity to verify any given information, choose to believe outright lies. Ian Leslie posits that it is because conspiracy theories are great stories.
Conspiracy theories aren’t theories; they’re stories.
— Ian Leslie, Stories are bad for your intelligence
Running Wild
A great rundown the realpolitik of jurisprudence in a complicated environment. While the article is about a specific person, it is very generally applicable.
…you can run with the hares and hunt with the hounds. But to do so, under the wig and gown you must yourself be a hound. There must be that killer instinct.
— Abdul Moiz Jaferii, Justice Unconcious
Thank you for joining me this week. If you know some who might enjoy this, please forward this email to them. See you next week.
Mudassir Chapra